The author suggests the effect of presence be considered as what determines the bond, reveals its subjects in exteriority and the unknowable, qualities which come in and “ flush out ” the object-relation. The effect of presence exposes the subject to the unknowable exteriority of the other, which escapes him but which he cannot get rid of . Two clinical vignettes illustrate this hypothesis about analytical work on the bond.
Archives de catégorie : ENG – La rue – 2003 T.21 n°1
Jean Laplanche : the sexual crime
The progressive disintegration in our modern societies of family systems and of the prohibition of incest allows us a theoretical step. If, outside of any family relationship, this double erasure has brought out the sexual crime as such – that is, the sexual abuse “ between the adults and the child ” (Ferenczi), this could be the sign the interdict did at all times try to contain – without being completely able to do so – the polymorphous and unbound sexuality present not only in the infant but in the infantile unconscious of the adult.
Jean-Marie Firdion : risk of suicide in youngsters with unconventional sexual orientation
Making a synthesis from a recent report, the author presents the hypothesis of an association between suicide attempt, or suicide, among youths and homosexual or bisexual orientation. The consonant findings of North-American epidemiological works, published last years, emphasize the fact that homosexuality, per se, is not a direct causal factor in suicidality among youths. Nonetheless, homosexual or bisexual orientation are factors that increase the risk of suicidal behaviors (with a significant effect). This phenomenon could be related to homophobia and heterosexism, still present in our societies. These conclusions have a strong effect on prevention programs and policies directed to youths. The American research results underscore the need for collecting and analyzing such data in France.
Marie Choquet, Michel Askevis : who are the adolescent runaways ?
In an epidemiological study within a general school population, 450 youngsters in public secondary school who describe themselves as runaways were compared to 11,734 youngsters who had not run away from home.
Running away from home is associated with “ psychical malaise ” and with violence, both endured and enacted; the runaway is suicide-prone, violent, delinquent ; he abuses both legal and illegal substances. The runaway seeks help and consultation, and it is necessary to find multi-focus treatments when faced with the diversity of manifestations : running away, suicide attempts, delinquency, and legal and illegal substance abuse.
Ivan Darrault-Harris : towards a semio-linguistic typology of adolescent appeals
We try here to submit a group of about fifty teenager’s calls towards a free telephone number (“ Fil Santé Jeunes ”) to an analyse based on semio-linguistic criterias. This work contributes to reveal a pretty large number of self-masking strategies of the teenager enunciator : mutism, insults, pseudo-questions, fictions. All the art of the adult listening would consist in wellcoming these masked enunciations to allow the caller to deliver his true questioning.
Claude Savinaud : why do some adolescent sex offenders feel no remorse ?
In our encounters with a certain number of adolescents who commit sexual abuse, we have observed the absence of feelings associated with these acts, while they show no sign of disassociation or deficit. However, this lack or remorse can be considered as a flaw in adolescent subjectivation, resulting from the omnipresence of an archaic superego figure. The primordial maternal imago constituting this figure is neither integrated, nor put into internal conflict, but projected onto the object rendered “ indifferent ” to serve as an outlet for drive excitation. The splitting of the ego is not enough to assure a minimal distinction between “ good and bad object ” and introduces a confusion which results in the criminal act. The emergence of a transferential guilt may be the consequence of restarting the associative process in the treatment.
Anne Tassel : graffiti street
By exhibiting his locomotive trail, the graffiti artist invents a city for himself where his identity fantasies unfurl; thanks to these, he hopes to integrate his relation with others by making himself the object of his own practice. Then the street is no longer divided up into “ territories ”, but into moments of history, pieces of time, allowing the singularities that are being tried out to veer towards what is calling from outside. Not a production of works but of what is at work in it, the street sprayed with graffiti exudes the excesses and uncertainties of adolescence by inserting into actuality the figures of an archaistic drive that can be sublimated.
Olivier Ouvry : the street as a counter-phobic object
The purpose of this article is to explore the street as a space for the adolescent’s possible confrontation with the newness of the pubertaire, in terms of radical alterity and possible encounter. This will lead us to develop the dialectic between the intra-psychical world of the adolescent, confronted with the effects of the inaugural real of the pubertaire, and the world of the social, as a place for the possible figuration of this real by the encounter with other of the Other sex. Here we will revisit the dialectical issues of theoretical perspectives developed by the revue Adolescence (Philippe Gutton) and those argued by le Bachelier (Jean-Jacques Rassial), moving from an intra-psychical and intra-familial reference to that of the social as a place for the constitution of the adolescent symptôme.
Serge Lesourd : the intimate extimity of the street
Distinguishing first the different forms of urban space (streets, alleys, etc.) according to their historical and current uses, and then the different experience of public space at different times of life (childhood and adulthood), the author posits the hypothesis that our modern urbanism no longer enables the adolescent to make the passage between a child’s experience of the street (characterized by inner reverie) and an adult experience (characterized by differentiation and naming). Adolescents then try to replay the this passage between private and public, but find no response in the anonymized places of modernity, except that of stigmatization in answer to a frantic quest for recognition.
Dominique Agostini : from the “ fateful fork ” to the triangular passage
The author explores the relation to the street from the clinical perspective of phobias and counter-phobias. Both are obstacles to the inside/outside passage and its psychical equivalent, the liaison between interiority and exteriority : without interiority, there is no exteriority and thus no exit through the inside/outside passage and generational and sexual differences. The theme of the “ inner gang ” is deepened in this sense. In the conception developed by the author, only the triangular space is co-extensive with the capacity for differentiating inside and outside, male and female, and different generations in their complementary relations. It is a therefore a passage : one involving the integration of turbulences brought on by the processes of adolescence.