The love state that all of a sudden takes place in the course of some psychoanalytic cures at adolescence, particularly when severe food disorders are experienced, is a psychical event evidencing a narcissistic and libidinal rehandling of the object. It is the sign of a disentangling of an underlying melancholic position that should be assessed in such a way as to find out its psychical goals and transference implications. As the consequence of some kind of mourning from the primary object, it carries with it the hope that a new object may find its place within the ego.
Archives de catégorie : ENG – Expériences d’ amour – 1998 T. 16 n°2
Claude Savinaud : A passion for the symbolical
Starting from the clinical experience that some narcissistic pathologies at adolescence stumble against the achievement of a libidinal cathexis due to the love-hate borne by the grandiose and obscene father figure, the author develops the idea of a kind of passional cathexis of the symbolical dimension going beyond the forfeited imago representative in the benefit of a creative, identifying speech aiming at some kind of something beyond the object. Such a cathexis takes the shape of a » love state » with the subject no longer grasping, and the idealization of the other person far beyond any form of satisfaction.
Philippe Gutton
The paper wishes to distinguish three different patterns within love experience at adolescence. The first, i.e. the most classical one, puts forward the drive-narcissistic problematics with the regressive capacity within the object relation. The second, which is sensitive to the enacting within a condensed form of adolescent love stories sequenced differently, i.e. re-discovered differently. The third develops the idea that adolescent love flourishes with reference to a fictitious third partner, always a parental one. Every experience builds a new third-person approach whose mission consists in self-interpretation of adolescences in process.
Simone Daymas : First love.
The adolescent, caught within the snares of the first love is struck by a brutal narcissistic breaking in, but he is less disillusioned than the adult by the object’s desiring reality. He knows his desire is fed upon his own self. He will indeed be disillusione and will have to mourn this first love.
Every adult keeps in mind the nostalgia of such a first love which will serve as reference within the vicissitudes of every man’s or woman’s fate.
Christian David : To love is to grow up.
At adolescence, the family novel is replaced by an » anticipatory selffiction « . Such a new romanesque organization plays the part of an auxiliary organizer for adolescent transformations and enables the subject to disentangle himself from the impact of parental images and associated superego rigidities. The birth of enamoration may owe a lot to the sudden coalescence which thus takes place between the anticipatory selffiction and the » exquisite » presentness of the emotional encounter.
François Villa : About the analysis of the birth of enamoration. A clinical vignette.
A clinical vignette casts a new light on the relationships between the primary state of despair and the love state. In such a sequence an eroticization of transference takes place at the very moment when the patient experiences an anticipation of body potentialities which are still unknown to him. He feels them to be close at hand yet still quite difficult to reach. Hence, there surges a huge feeling of solitude and despair at the very moment when the therapist’s presence becomes particularly intense in terms of libido, thus becoming the very centre of the patient’s preoccupations.
Roland Lazarovici : The love of the lost object : Notes on erotomania
Adolescence is a suitable time for a multiplicity of love choices. Starting from two clinical vignettes, our attention was rather drawn by the steadiness of the object choice in such stories. Hence a discussion on the concept of erotomania at that age and on the specific quality of emotional moves linked to the » first love object » lost.
Alain Braconnier : The tears of Eros
By its reactivation of something new into the subject, enamoration activates and reactivates Eros, its happy figures and its tears.
The author offers here two clinical processes on the theme of adolescent loves : the former of a true love neurosis and the latter in the form of love addiction. Two clinical vignettes illustrate this approach.