Archives de catégorie : ENG – À la limite – 2024 T. 42 n°2

Tamara Guénon: playing with limits in adolescence

Some difficult adolescents who have trouble finding their place (“mésinscrits”) will call into question their relationship with therapeutic mediation frameworks, which will oblige us to listen to them in a way that is especially attuned to potential play. Studying a case using treatment through the mediation of theater enables the author to define the specular games typically engaged in by adolescents “at the limits” of their subjectivation process. Finally, the author emphasizes the importance of play for the institutional treatment of adolescents who have trouble finding their place.

Adolescence, 2024, 42, 2, 307-319.

Simruy Ikiz: the double limit and the work of figurability

This article will explore the role of figurative thought and the double limit within the adolescent process. After having examined the place of the capacity for daydreaming and of play in the elaboration of representations linked to the newness of the pubescent body, the author suggests a group therapeutic framework with figurative and projective mediation, using the game Dixit®. This format is aimed at helping adolescents who have trouble dreaming and using their thought processes to elaborate their psychical experiences.

Adolescence, 2024, 42, 2, 293-305.

Marion Haza-Pery: cobbling together a “borderline” therapeutic setting on brawl star

Psychoanalytically-oriented therapeutic arrangements involving digital mediation have been the object of study for several years now. This article will show how a remote digital setting was cobbled together during the lockdown and the transference and counter-transference issues that this entailed. The effects of a therapeutic framework created using a video game played remotely will be explored in the analysis of the echoes of the pubertary process of the adolescent patient.

Adolescence, 2024, 42, 2, 277-292.

David Le Breton: youthful wanderings: self-disappearing in the crowd

The wandering of young people is an attempt to disappear, a radical way of escaping from the social restrictions of identity, of not being anyone anymore. It is essentially an urban phenomenon, since the city is highly suited to making oneself disappear into anonymity, offering a certain kind of self-protection in the form of squats, train stations, vacant lots, parks, and associations that provide temporary help with food and shelter, in addition to their own resourcefulness and inventiveness helping them to survive from one day to the next at the margins.

Adolescence, 2024, 42, 2, 261-275.

Marie-Christine Aubray: is adolescence a borderline event?

In this article, adolescence will be conceived of as a subjectal event that sets in motion the tertiary processes that will support the adolescent subjectivation process. The aim is for the adolescent to become fully a subject, in connection with the reality principle.

Adolescence, 2024, 42, 2, 253-257.

François Marty: subjectivation and tertiary processes

Ph. Gutton has coined two concepts for speaking of the changes that happen at the onset of puberty. The pubertaire emphasizes the violence and the breaking-in that occur both somatically and psychically. The adolescens expresses the work of psychical elaboration which the drive-surge of the pubertary requires in order to resist the dangers of the Ego’s unity shattering (psychosis) and of breakdown (depression). Ph. Gutton has called these two movements the adolescent process.

Adolescence, 2024, 42, 2, 245-252.

Paola Carbone: on subjectivation and tertiary processes

This article approaches tertiary processes and subjectivation through another pair of terms: translation and paradox. Translation demands that one carry out a particular kind tertiary function, becoming an agent of potential binding between meaning and signification; paradox pushes the Subject beyond Ego control and its dichotomic logic, not in order to deny it, but rather to move forward in an innovative way towards a third topology.

Adolescence, 2024, 42, 2, 237-244.

Philippe Gutton: on adolescence

This article sums up the author’s ideas about the passage through adolescence. When the human event of the negative pubertary occurs in the subjectal development of the infantile organization, it gives rise to an unknown life-force that instigates adolescent creativity, rich in representations and leading to adolescent neurosis. How will the psychoanalyst welcome this gigantic adolescens work with its pitfalls into the transference-countertransference bond? For the adolescent to consent to adult life, work on the latency between the Ego and society must take place, with the risk of developing excessive narcissism or observing a subordination of the Ego.

Adolescence, 2024, 42, 2, 201-235.