What “living traces” of Freud’s adolescence can be found in his psychoanalytical theories? Florian Houssier, the author of Freud adolescent, discusses this with Philippe Gutton. Although Freud worked on the metamorphosis of puberty, he seems always to relegate adolescent sexuality either to the infantile or to adult neurosis. Florian Houssier considers that some clues gleaned from a reading Freud’s work suggest that a part of his adolescence was repudiated: scenarios, sensorial details, masturbatory fantasies … Philippe Gutton responds regarding the “sexual” dimension of the pubertary process.
The relationship between Freud and Ferenczi has been the subject of much study, especially since the beginning of the movement to rehabilitate the latter’s writings. But there is little about the place of adolescence in their connection with each other, despite the diagnosis of a “third puberty” Freud rendered at the end of their relationship. This article will explore their exchanges to show how, in a climate of intense ambivalence, the attitude of each man echoed conflicts of his adolescence.
The authors explore the specific characteristics of the double in its connection with the figure of the hero, in certain myths and in the family romance of neurotics. The exploration focuses on two things: the “heroic double” as a way of regulating incestual desires of brothers and sisters; and the construction of a “sibling romance” by the adolescent subject, which articulates love and hate towards eroticized figures of the younger sister and the brother.
Few studies in the field of autism up till now have attempted to describe how the adolescent process acts on its subjects. In this article, we offer a reading of some fundamental concepts about adolescence from the work of Freud and Philippe Gutton in light of knowledge about autism based on the works of G. Haag, R. Roussillon, D. Meltzer, M. Rhode et D. Anzieu that help understand archaic functioning.
This article focuses on the temporal processes at work in the therapy of an adolescent girl. The author will describe the transference movement through its subjective temporalities in the girl and in the therapist, developing this process in three phases of the patient’s subjectivation. Sensory, emotional and acted-out experiences within the counter-transference will be touchpoints for the understanding and historicizing of the therapeutic process by the unconscious.
In adolescents who are incarcerated, psychical ways of functioning based on dependence and passion for the act, are actualized in the setting of the detention center. This article deals with the psychical adjustments of these adolescents and the forms that their violence takes when it emerges. Violent acts thus appear to be a defense against the excitation of the drives induced by “incarceration hyperstimulation” and the relational and institutional promiscuity inherent to the setting of the juvenile detention center.
This article explores the place and role of the experience of sound in the process of adolescence. Through several clinical vignettes, we will deal with different ways sonic identity can be readjusted in adolescence and the consequences of these, for both the individual and the group. We will also show therapeutic work can be carried out when these readjustments cannot be dealt with psychically.
The author, using a particular kind of recourse to ideology, recalls the importance of the process of re-investment in adolescence and investigates the specific dynamic it maintains in the subject, between binding and unbinding. This approach aims to highlight the issues of the responder function and the risks to the adolescent when this responder is missing or cannot meet the challenges of the process of subjectivation.
This text shows how a psychoanalyst in Paris hears the way that young people, boys and girls, are seduced by the appeal of jihad. These young people are not fanatics. They are consulting a psychoanalyst on the advice of friends or family members. The author describes the significant identity issues and psychological wounds of these young people, but also their ideals and hopes.
There are as many risks of falling into radical engagement as there unique adolescent stories. We have carried out a study of how youths and radicalness are represented in the general population. We analyze a therapeutic encounter with a young Franco-Algerian Moslem woman. Her narrative enables us to show the connections between her quest for identity and the socio-historical context as she sees it, which helps bring together the intra-psychical, the subjective and the collective.
Adolescence, 2018, 36, 2, 275-290.
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