Archives par mot-clé : Playing

Graziella Gilormini, Anne-Laure Pouzoulet: playing in order to be bonded

The adolescents we see in our combined somatic and psychiatric unit within an adolescent medical service have been hospitalized because their illness and treatment prevent them from pursuing a classic education. Through the story of Medhi and his participation in the « Corporescence » group, we will see how revisiting childhood games can be a way for adolescents to reposition themselves as actors against an illness that, in some cases, de-subjectivised them as children.

Adolescence, 2020, 38, 1, 257-273.

Benoît Servant: empire of the lure

The author focuses on the polemic about the dangers of NTIC for the mental heath of adolescents. It argues that the defenders of NTIC are characterized by a disavowal of the problem of their overuse and the importance of links between human beings, by a dubious assertion of their value as self-therapy, and by an improper use of psychoanalytical concepts. He associates this attitude with a lack of tolerance for internal and external alterity, a feature of our modern life that is fostered by the virtualization of experience.

Adolescence, 2016, 34, 1, 179-189.

Silvia Lippi: kontakthof: group and dance

Through an analysis of the Pina Bausch’s show Kontakthof with adolescents over the age of fourteen, we explore the body, desire, castration, dream and identification in adolescence. We will see how a group can come together not on the basis of a protective ideal, but rather on the impetus of desire. This desire relates to dreaming and playing and manifests itself in dancing.

Adolescence, 2016, 34, 1, 167-176.

Laura Karsenty: the capoeira circle: let’s play (violence), friends!

This article will approach the Capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian art form that mixes wrestling and dancing, as being related to the adolescent process. What sets this activity apart is the arrangement of the participants: the Roda (circle) puts into play the body, a possible sublimation of violence, and the offer of a narcissistic and objectal encounter, within the containing setting. This creative corporal playing is connected with adolescent drive life. It could be developed as an interesting form of therapeutic mediation supporting the work of subjectivation.: adolescents could be invited to enact their pubertary violence through this playing.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 2, 377-387.