Archives par mot-clé : Phraseology

Sabine Bastian : the languages of the « cités » : problems with speaking – problems with translating

Based on the example of the Français Contemporain des Cités (FCC), this article presents a comparative and contrastive study of the language of young people and an analysis from a translatological point of view. The corpus selected – two novels and one film from the Paris Banlieues – comprises the original post-production script, the German dubbing transcripts and the German subtitles of the movie L’Esquive, as along with the two original novel texts and the German translation of one of them, Kiffe kiffe demain. The study discusses the difficulties encountered when attempting to transpose such culturally specific texts and proposes possible solutions, whereby the main problems are found to lie in the area of lexis and phraseology.

Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°4, pp. 859-871.