Archives par mot-clé : Médiation

Charlotte Costantino: Beginning the story

The author explores the therapeutic potential of storytelling mediation, using her experience with a group therapeutic setting for hospitalized adolescents. How does that mediation provide the encounter with a psychoanalyst and the beginning of a therapeutic process? Regarding the symbolizing potential of storytelling, how would its use in a therapeutic setting facilitate the organization of traumatic experiences associated with puberty, echoing the dream work?

Adolescence, 2017, 35, 2, 391-402.

Charlotte Costantino : Commencer l’histoire

L’auteure interroge les potentialités thérapeutiques offertes par la médiation conte, partant de l’expérience d’un dispositif groupal proposé à des adolescents hospitalisés. Comment cette médiation facilite-t-elle la rencontre avec un analyste et l’initiation d’un processus thérapeutique ? Au regard des potentialités symbolisantes que revêt le conte, comment son utilisation dans un cadre thérapeutique facilite l’organisation des vécus traumatiques liés à la puberté, en écho au travail de rêve ?

Adolescence, 2017, 35, 2, 391-402.

Marie Thomas, Didier Drieu, Jalal Jerar Oulidi, Aymeric De Fleurian: the value of mediation groups

Group work using mediations can help with symbolization in the treatment of vulnerable adolescents. As with psychodrama, the “found/created” group setting – in this case made up of adolescents from a therapeutic group home – supported by narrativity (maps, fantastic stories, illustrated and shared storytelling) can mobilize an inter-fantasizing dynamic, thus undoing the violence of incorporated traumatic experiences that can stagger the adolescent process.

Adolescence, 2016, 34, 1, 129-138.

Marie Thomas, Didier Drieu, Jalal Jerar Oulidi, Aymeric De Fleurian : intérêt des groupes avec médiations

Le travail groupal avec médiations peut soutenir la symbolisation dans les soins aux adolescents vulnérables. Comme dans le psychodrame, le dispositif d’un groupe « trouvé/créé » – ici avec des jeunes d’un hébergement thérapeutique – et le support de la narrativité (cartes, histoires fantastiques, récit imagé et partagé) peuvent mobiliser une dynamique d’interfantasmatisation et déjouer ainsi la violence d’incorporats traumatiques qui sidèrent les processus d’adolescence.

Adolescence, 2016, 34, 1, 129-138.

Jean-Pierre Durif-Varembont, Patricia Mercader, Christiane Durif-Varembont : Violence in Schools and the Trivialization of Language : The Opening of Speech Mediations

The psychic suffering of adolescent girls at school often takes the form of verbal aggression, for the most part trivialized by young people while decried by professionals. Using a study carried out with school principals, this paper explores the defensive function of this trivialization as a way of putting the force of drives at a distance, of expressing narcissistic preoccupations, and of dealing psychically with the intrusion of puberty and the question of identity. Mediation workshops are presented as an opportunity to treat these issues in a different way, a way that is more open to oneself and to others.

Adolescence, T. 31 n°1, pp. 95-106.

Frédéric Lefévère, Nathalie Guillier-Pasut : Mimes and Thought: From Staging to Making Meaning

This paper offers us an opportunity to present and explore a treatment based on corporal mediation for adolescents hospitalized in a child psychiatric ward. We will show how the proposal to use fabrics and mime as a space for mobilizing the body, can be a support for subjectivation and psychic transformation, especially at this period of life.

Adolescence, T. 31 n°1, pp. 49-63.

LAVALLE G. : No time ! Notes on the times contairs 

The paper describes the cure of an adolescent who had been formerly an austistic child suffering from time anxiety, using video as “ symbolizing mediation ” in a day hospital. The author streses quite a few clinical conditions enabling that very adolescent to leave behind a state of chaos and timeless psychotic excitment. The analysis of the psychological impac of video as a technical apparatus enables one to undesrtand that a cathexis in some mastery fixes a nd controls time, whereas the hallucinatory presentifies it again and defers it for a brief moment of eternity. By building some specific containing therapeutic position, the author allows the adolescent to find a new orientation for tme which he can modulate in term of drives then enabling him to create a vital minimum of time continumm. A final clinical sequence shows the passage from a state of anxiety in terms of panic urge, within the tims of separatin, towards the possibility to think with serenity that there may be a time for reunion. From all these observations, the author stresses a few stanpots for a psychoanalytic theory of the severeal times at work in thought processes. 

Frédéric Lefevere, Thierry Rochet : between play and dream : balneotherapy as a psychotherapy for adolescents

Once considered a body instance, this instance is very often seen as being endangered by the pubescent process. Inversely, we wish to show how mediated therapies, and in particular balneotherapy, are especially relevant during adolescence, in helping to restore this instance, which, thanks to the psychotherapeutic process, can recover its status as a vector of figuration.

Yann Leroux : the video game as support for the therapeutic relation

In the past twenty years, video games have become firmly entrenched in our culture. Adolescents find in them spaces in which adolescent issues can be played out and re-played. Psychotherapists have started using them within the framework of therapeutic mediations. This paper reports the construction of a therapeutic arrangement: video game group therapy. This is conceived of as a working apparatus allowing for the stimulation and reception of affects and thoughts. This type of mediation is particularly interesting in the treatment of children and adolescents whose total inhibition initially compromises the therapeutic project. The notion of « ludo-landscape» characterizes a part of the psychical work which is summoned up by the video game. The case of Julien illustrates the work that was carried out.

Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°3, pp. 699-709.


Yves Morhain : the paradox of the « confinement » of adolescent et young adult murderers : between destructiveness and creativity

Today’s delinquency, characterized by aggression against the other, the counterpart, which is often sudden, indeed, an immediate, destructive explosion, belongs to the archaic which has to do with the subjective existence of the subject. Judicial approaches offer forms of social re-education and prevention, focused on the transgressive, disorganizing act rather than on the potential for starting over, lead to the « confinement » of these problematic adolescents and young adults, reproducing a stigmatization of the troublemakers within prison walls.
In what turns out to be an impasse, « confinement » can carry out and induce the dynamic of a passage, by establishing frameworks for therapeutic mediation which involve the violent adolescent in a work of psychical re-elaboration and in a relaunching of his subjective dynamic. This opens the way to constructive and creative drive satisfactions which are not just a place of release for these adolescents. These transformative spaces can lead to symbolization and put these youths back into a network of intersubjectivity, a community of exchanges enabling them to turns towards a space of possibilities.
Adolescence, 2013, 30, 4, 797-813.