Archives par mot-clé : Learning

Josette Sultan : the virtual image does not exist, construction of an imaginary world

The “ virtual ” image does not exist, any more than the worlds it is supposed to generate. The orthodoxy – and some“ learned ” voices – are doing their best to smudge the lines between the real, the imaginary and what belongs to visual representation. To what purpose ? Here, high school students, when asked about the notion of the “ virtual ” compare their experience with the creation of digital images with representations they are elaborating and with values circulation in the social imagination. A meditation on what has become a “ passion for ignorance ”.

Irma Coronado Goupil : a therapeutic vision of the video game

Video games and educational computerprograms prove to be excellent supports for the clinical observation of behavior and of the man-machine relation. Children and video games inspire us to ask new questions about the transitional space they create. The virtual world is able to reveal how the subject interacts with his environment. What results from this are new hypotheses about the quality of perceptions and the apprehension of the object in the construction of the Ego and its emotional future.

Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°3, pp. 711-720.