Archives par mot-clé : Internal dicorce

dominique agostini : about the internal divorce : impasse and overcoming

Through his clinical material of a therapy, the author will analyze, on the one hand, the impact of the puberty surge on internalization, far before puberty, of deeply disunited parents. On the other hand, the author will study the transformations which, vectorized by the therapeutic process, will indeeed preside to the reuniting of the internal parents. The author will develop that such a deep reconciliation is specifically fruitful for the adolescent process and has indeed an impact on its coming to be achieved, thus enabling the subject to begin his life as an adult.
The clinical study will pay a specific care to the separations during the holidays. Such holidays always represent, for the infantile parts, the parents’ sexual intercourses and the mother’s pregnancy. The clinical data will illustrate how such breaches in the therapeutic setting renew, with the internal divorce, « nameless agonies » colliding with the fantasy of « combined parents ». Both the internal divorce and the combined parents will appear as being the major obstacles to entering the adult life.