Archives par mot-clé : Identification

annie birraux: the vicissitudes of heroic identification

The author investigates the outcome of identification work in the training of elite athletes, particularly in disciplines where the desired goal is to become a monetized object. This article situates the issue within a fetishistic economic context where the appropriation of the psychical body is still a great feat.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 2, 273-281.

Annie Birraux : les vicissitudes de l’identification héroïque

L’auteur s’interroge sur le devenir du travail identificatoire dans la formation des sportifs de haut niveau et en particulier dans les disciplines où le but à atteindre est de devenir un objet monnayable. Article qui inscrit ce problème dans un contexte économique fétichiste où l’appropriation du corps psychique demeure un exploit.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 2, 273-281.

Catherine Desprats-Péquignot : d’un trou dans la gorge aux organes imaginaires du sexe

L’équivalence classique sexe/visage, la parole associative d’un sujet dans la relation d’interlocution en favorise parfois la survenue, permettant d’appréhender cliniquement des correspondances substitutives entre « bas » et « haut » mais aussi ce qui par là vient se dire pour un sujet, qui lui est propre, et qu’il méconnaît. Ainsi le cas d’Anaïs invite à considérer les correspondances gorge/regard/œil/sexe féminin condensées dans l’image générique du « trou » à laquelle l’événement vécu d’une trachéotomie offre un support propice à l’expression de sa réalité psychique et de ses positions subjectives.


The authors suggest to ponder on the topic of a rise of acted violence in the adolescent population and question the psychoanalytic understanding of destructive both heteroaggressive and self‑aggressive movements. Several theoretical positions on the topic of the death instinct, or of drive unbinding or an attempt to save a feeling of identity when violence surges are analyzed briefly, followed by two clinical vignettes. From the latter cases, they try to link the intrapsychological and family links underlying the recourse to violent actings with such subjects, as related with adolescent problematics. The temporary identification dilemma is here suggested as well as the interdependence between self‑violence and violence towards the other person.

LIPPE D. : Juliette of the quest for a bladly indentified object 

Developing at long lenght the case of a young bulimic patient around mutative periods of the transference relationship and of the fruitful drawbacks of a lateral transference within the cure, I try to stress the particular and specific characteristics of her objet relation. I suggest that one should interpret the addiction to food as being the problematics of flaws in archaïc identitification processes linked to the fact that the primary cathexis were “ to identify badly ” or were “ badly identified ”. The object could thus not be intrejected but only incorporated. Hence an endless quest (addiction) not so much of the object itself but, rather, an attempt to identify “ that very ” object in order to identify oneself to it and thus be able to avoid being alienated by it.


Reference to psychoanalytic treatment in the therapeutic approach to adolescence must necessarily take into account all the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that come into play in the optimalizing the therapeutic arrangement. Some characteristics of adolescence (economic system of crisis, topical re-handling of the “ new dependency ”, natural status of transference introjections) contribute to cast a light on the sometimes crucial stakes and the dynamic potentiality specific to the encounter with the adolescent. The assessment – which is sometimes instantaneous and reciprocal – cannot easily be dissociated from the identifying process, and the enunciation of the conventional setting for new appointments cannot operate from the sometimes magical position the adolescent allots us through transference. An “ ordinary ” type of consultation and its commentary illustrate that theme of the meeting point.


The authors of this article study the implications of thinking of the psychoanalytical treatment as an adolescent process and investigate the link between this process, the political and the therapeutic arrangement. Their reflection is based on two clinical situations around the Id (in the Freudian sense), identification and the ideal are intertwined. The text first tries to show that adolescence is a relevant model for conceiving of the treatment. It then relates adolescence to the political showing that both share a certain kind of relationship with utopia, adolescence characterizing the potential flexibility between Id, identification and ideal. In conclusion, the case of Irma presents an investigation into the analyst’s place between the political, adolescence and treatment which, between repression and the demand for satisfaction, calls into question the edifice of the ideal.


The authors suggest to ponder on the topic of a rise of acted violence in the adolescent population and question the psychoanalytic understanding of destructive both heteroaggressive and self-aggressive movements. Several theoretical positions on the topic of the death instinct, or of drive unbinding or an attempt to save a feeling of identity when violence surges are analyzed briefly, followed by two clinical vignettes. From the latter cases, they try to link the intrapsychological and family links underlying the recourse to violent actings with such subjects, as related with adolescent problematics. The temporary identification dilemma is here suggested as well as the interdependence between self-violence and violence towards the other person.

Françoise Brullmann: The origin of a request of aesthetic surgery at adolescence

Apparently quite simple, the request of aesthetic surgery at adolescence is often far more complex than it seems. Under the requests of breast plastic surgery and nose plastic surgery for example, the pain that has appeared at adolescence and thus centering on a given organ (e.g. the nose or the breasts) is correlative to the very same pain linked with the psychical rehandlings often inherent to that age. Through a few examples surging from her own history, Claude’s analysis will enable one to trace such a desire for aesthetic change upwards towards its origin and will show the difficulties in identification and filiation directly with reference to her desire of a surgical metamorphosis.

Michel Audisio : infringements. war. trauma. dreams. becoming of identification stakes

This is a current say today : adolescents meet violence, act it, and the institutions they pass through are similarly involved ; On all scenes, bringing into war can be seen, facts accumulating altogether on social, political, family and cultural scenes, as well on internal psychic scenes whether individual, groupal or institutionalized. Many of these war scenes are the effects of transgressions, in speech as in act, now begining to be inscribed in social life and institutions. Social corruption, dislocation of social links, abscence of Politics, juridical compromizing, alliances between sciences and politics can be observed in generalization. What then could be a possible response, both institutional and cultural ? By which means could Politics come back ? Who should be the actors for it ? How would dreaming be again a structuring way ?