Archives par mot-clé : Gianluigi Monniello

gianluigi monniello : pubertario femenino y mirada del padre

El pubertario femenino, esta constituido por las novedades que sorprenden a todo adolescente no solamente en su cuerpo, si no también en toda su vida psíquica. Este proceso psíquico complejo, interroga entre otras cosas la calidad de la mirada del padre quién sigue la evolución de la sexualidad genital en la hija adolescente. El trabajo aborda un aspecto más bien dejado del lado del vínculo de las hijas con sus padres. A menudo es posible ver en el tratamiento analítico de adolescentes a padres frágiles, ausentes e incluso violentos Y son el objeto de intensas atenciones de protección y de consideraciones positivas de la parte de sus hijas que hacen todo para poner un pedestal a la imagen paternal. En esos casos el padre edípico, parecen tener que quedarse en vida y valorizados para poder ejercer de manera suficiente su función. En efecto es únicamente bajo esta condición que el fantasma parricida puede ser plenamente reconocido y su valor simbólico, puede ser plenamente elaborado y que el padre edípico, puede desaparecer del horizonte.

Adolescence, 2010, T. 28, n°1, pp. 99-111.

gianluigi monniello : comprender la vida y la muerte.

El autor propone algunas pistas de reflexión sobre el misterio y el fenómeno de la muerte. En efecto, conviene de distinguir, como lo habrían hecho los romanos, los mortales, los moribundos, los murientes y los muertos. Esta distinción es esencial para permitir de organizar la investigación sobre el vinculo intimo entre la concepción, lo originario y « miedo antico » fundándose de igual manera sobre una experiencia clínica. El autor señala que el concepto de identificación primaria es esencial para leer analíticamente la actividad psíquica especifica que llamamos trabajo interno. El moribundo tiende en efecto a formar con la persona que se ocupa del (último depositario de la transferencia) una última díada siguiendo el rastro de la relación inicial con su madre.

gianluigi monniello : amor et subjetalisacion

El trayecto posible de los afectos de la vida amorosa, primero en el tiempo del nacimiento del objeto después como inversión de si mismo y del otro para seguir finalmente con el amor dicho maduro, se conjuran en innumerables formas y en la intensidad del amor de transferencia. A partir de la dinámica trasfero-contra-trasferencial en obra en el análisis de Antonella, veremos como la clínica nos ilustra las numerosas vicisitudes atravesadas por los adolescentes, las soluciones sintomáticas infinitas, los innumerables sufrimientos de la vida amorosa; vinculadas a la fidelidad, a la identificación primaria, a la fuerza de ese lazo amado y odiado, pero al mismo tiempo también a la reactivacion de los procesos de subjetalisacion y de subjetivacion.

Gianluigi Monniello : construcciónes del héroe a la adolescencia

Dos definiciones significativas de L. Arioste y de B. Fioretti son utilizadas por el autor para describir de primera intención, la necesidad natural de construir a nivel de la imaginación ; la figura del héroe como una contribución posible al funcionamiento psíquico del adolescente como un referente imaginario adecuado para crearse y para crear su propio modus vivendi ; enseguida, el autor para resaltar que el encuentro con el adolescente implica también la presencia en el de algo que va mas allá del proceso natural de construcción inherente al desarrollo y a jugar al héroe de la infancia. El autor describe tres posibles fuerzas coexistentes hacia el heroísmo con resultados muy diferentes generándose durante la adolescencia. El primer movimiento reactivo es el de continuar con coraje, la búsqueda de la recuperación de valores del pasado ; el segundo movimiento positivo y de diferenciación invita al adolescente a tomar distancia de los mundos que lo han generado y de las influencias internas y externas. El tercer movimiento creativo es aquel que lo fideliza a sus experiencias sensoriales originarias que lo empujan de manera inconsciente ha « hacer lo que puede ».

Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 327-344.

Gianluigi Monniello : destinies of violence in an outpatient hospital

In an outpatient hospital, the destinies of violence and its different manifestations depend on the support offered by the therapist, the group of caregivers and the containing institutional setting, which can provide models for symbolization.
The detailed description of the treatment of Ennio, a violent adolescent, give an illustration of the primary therapeutic aim, which is the interiorization of the containing function of the outpatient hospital, considered as a transferential community where tranferences are deployed in an inter-subjective dimension.

Gianluigi Monniello : Therapeutic Actions in Psychotherapy with Adolescents

Like other basic psychoanalytical constructions, the theory of therapeutic action is currently undergoing revision, and theorists of different persuasions are suggesting different mechanisms.
In the domain of clinical research, the author argues that psychoanalytical psychotherapy with adolescents enables us to describe both treatment goals, (that is, changes) and technique (that is, the strategies that can help to bring about these changes). Interventions that facilitate change can be placed in one of two categories : those which make use of several transformational aspects of the therapeutic relationship, and those which increase insight and reinforce identity.
In particular, the treatment of an adolescent suffering from personality disorder calls into question the identity of the analyst who is specifically engaged in the process of self-analyzing his own adolescence. The work of recognizing and elaborating this process can prove to be a fundamental therapeutic action.
The description of two clinical vignettes will illustrate the different therapeutic actions that are in play.

Gianluigi Monniello : self-analysis and the treatment of the borderline adolescent

Adolescence puts the course of early development back into play and works towards the expansion of the psychical apparatus. At puberty, the adolescent is called to provided himself and others with a stable narration (though it may be reworked) of his history and his childhood. The elaboration of puberty entails complex and difficult psychical work, and exposes one to the organization of a psychopathology.
In the borderline adolescent especially, the needs of evolution activate anxiety and conflict in a significant way. The conflict is born of traumatic cores from the past which, on the one hand, generate the fear of re-living fragmentation and, on the other hand, the expectation of the inevitable and continual actualization of the traumatic experience.
The analyst then is responding to the adolescent’s difficult process of becoming aware of himself (his difficulty in making his affective states legible for himself and others) as well as to his perception of not having enough « auto » psychical processus (empty and chaotic feeling of self) through a lengthy self-analytical work. This is the start of knowing and transforming the therapeutic relation which is continually at risk of shutting itself up in confused unity and an endless mirroring function.

Gianluigi Monniello : the young adult and his analysis

The condition of young adulthood appears to be a structural necessity in the human being’s process of becoming. This time of life is distinct from both adolescence and so-called adult maturity. The author explores the factors that differentiate the specific nature of the intrapsychic, interpersonal and psychical economy of the young adult.
The second problematic consists of finding out if there is enough containing function to make possible the working-through of primitive sufferings that have not yet been elaborated and open the way to decisive introjections.
The third concerns the assimilation of identifications to identifying models, now de-sexualized enough (apprentice identification), an assimilation which can take place « without too much thought », and which helps reinforce the subconscious.
The fourth and last problematic, the relation with the body of the parents, can be clearly recognized, in view of the reduction of incestuous anxieties, and the intracorporal identifications can thus be revealed and elaborated.
The clinical material shows that these patients are more disposed to analysis on the couch but less sensitive to the subjectalizing holding function than adolescents.

Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°1, pp. 117-132.

Gianluigi Monniello : amour et subjectalization

The possible paths that the affects of one’s love life may take, starting with the moment when the object is born, then as an investment of oneself and the other, and finally in so-call mature love, are blended together in numerous forms and in the intensity of transference love. Starting with the dynamic between transference and counter-transference at work in the analysis of Antonella, we will see how clinical work sheds light on the many vicissitudes adolescents go through, their infinite symptomatic solutions, the countless pains of their love life, which are linked to their fidelity to the primary identification, to the strength of this loved and hated bond, but also, at the same time, to the reactivation of the process of subjectalization and subjectivation.

Gianluigi Monniello : constructions of the hero in adolescence

The author uses two significant definitions of the hero by L. Ariosto and B. Fioretti to describe first, the natural need to construct, in imagination, the figure of the hero as a possible contribution to adolescent psychical functioning and as an adequate imaginary reference point for creating oneself and one’s own ars vivendi. Then, in order to highlight how the encounter with the adolescent also implies that there is something in him that goes beyond the natural process of construction inherent to development and hero-playing in childhood, the author describes three possible co-existing forces that can lead to heroism, with very different results, and which are available to adolescents. The first impulse, which is reactive, is the impulse to continue bravely seeking and recovering the values of the past ; the second impulse, which is positive and differentiating, encourages the adolescent to detach himself from the worlds that produced him and from their internal and external influences ; the third, which is creative, is the one that makes him faithful to his original sensory experiences by pushing him, unconsciously, to « do what he can ».
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 327-344.