Archives par mot-clé : Dialogism

Sophie Moirand : the various ways of naming ‘ youngsters ’ in national newspapers

The auteurs relies on a corpus made up of words singling out and characterizing ‘ youngsters ’, who are the main actors of two recent events (Fall 2005 suburban crisis and Winter 2006 university crisis), to show how naming takes part in representing events.
With the help of two fac-to-face pages from national newspapers, the various « ways for naming » ‘ youngsters ’ is first listed : from collected corpuses naming paradigms are then extrated, which function as many categorizations of young actors implied into both these events.
Processing a third event for chechink purposes leads to wondering about the discurcive representations brought representing events and young actors and matching these events

Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°4, pp. 907-919.