Archives par mot-clé : BERNATEAU ISEE

Bernateau Isée , Rebelo Teresa – « A “feather ” in the hand ”, psycho-pedagogy and subjectivation


Through the case of Wu-Ying, a psychotic teenager, we try to show what paths the psychical work can take. The choice of a transitional area composed of three people, associating a French teacher and a psycho-pedagogue – both clinical psychologists – and the company of an original literary work, Feather, by Henri Michaux, have allowed Wu-Ying to subjectivate his history, thanks to the dynamic play of passivation and drive activity.

Adolescence, septembre 2002, 20, 3, 499-508


El amor y la muerte, en vez de oponerse, a veces se encuentran en la adolescencia. En Léonce et Léna, de G. Büchner, los heroes adolescentes epónymos evocan la muerte y sus representaciones que le estan asociadas, el niño muerto o el suicidio, en el momento en el que se encuentran y se enamoran el uno del otro. La muerte symboliza y condensa la amenaza de pérdida que el descubrimiento del objeto genital hace surgir. Esta convocada por el adolescente para « enfriar » y contra-invertir una pulsionalidad de la que teme la coloracion incestuosa.


Love and death, rather than fighting against each other, sometimes meet during adolescence. In Leonce and Lena from G. Büchner, the two eponymous adolescent heroes evocate death and its associated representations, the dead child or suicide, when they meet and fall in love. Death symbolises and sums up the threat of loss that the discovery of the genital object occurs. It is called by the adolescent in order to « refresh » and produce a anticathexis of an instinct whom he fears the incestuous coloration.