Archives par mot-clé : Addiction

Gérard Pirlot: addictions, passions of the body

Within its very etymology, addiction is tied to passion, an “incarnate” passion whose object would be not another subject, but rather an object that alienates the subject from his body and its needs: a drug or addictive behavior. After a review of the specifics of Freud’s vocabulary giving a glimpse of the links between passion and addiction, the author will describe how addictive conduct is triggered and maintained in adolescence.

Adolescence, 2015, 33, 1, 153-163.

Gérard Pirlot : les addictions, passions du corps

L’addiction a, dans son étymologie même, rapport avec la passion ; une passion « incarnée » dont l’objet ne serait pas un autre sujet mais un objet aliénant le sujet à son corps et ses besoins : la drogue ou la conduite addictive. Après un rappel sur les spécificités du vocabulaire freudien permettant d’entrevoir les liens entre passion et addiction, l’auteur décrit en quoi la conduite addictive se déclenche et s’entretient à l’adolescence.

Adolescence, 2015, 33, 1, 153-163.

MARTY F. : Hight-sounding devices of violence at adolescence 

Every thing that sounds both attacks and builds the adolescent. It represents one of the devices used by violence in the course of puberty : now adestructive one on the puberty side and, rather, an elaborative one when on the side of the adolescens process. Being a stamp of the adolescent space, a seat for group identifications, a containin and protecting envelope enabling the adolescent to be safely confronted to the threat of its piberty fantasies, everthing higt-sounding expresses violence at adolescence whilst shaping it at same time. 

LIPPE D. : Juliette of the quest for a bladly indentified object 

Developing at long lenght the case of a young bulimic patient around mutative periods of the transference relationship and of the fruitful drawbacks of a lateral transference within the cure, I try to stress the particular and specific characteristics of her objet relation. I suggest that one should interpret the addiction to food as being the problematics of flaws in archaïc identitification processes linked to the fact that the primary cathexis were “ to identify badly ” or were “ badly identified ”. The object could thus not be intrejected but only incorporated. Hence an endless quest (addiction) not so much of the object itself but, rather, an attempt to identify “ that very ” object in order to identify oneself to it and thus be able to avoid being alienated by it.

Sztulman H. : Drug addicts : between addiction and ordeal 

The most recent and various researches, whether clinical, theoretical or therapeutic all agree on a central theme : in each encourter, which is always singular, between a person, a substance (or an object) and an environment, one cannot identify any specific or characteristic type of either personality structure or organization. At the most, scholars and clinicians may sometimes stress that defence mechanisms, the type of anxiety and most of the time the economics of such subjects as drug addicts, or persons liable to be addicted, remind one of what we find with borderline states but surely not exclusively. Quite a few common psychopatological traits, all stamped with the seal of regression is, besides, to be found with these patients with quite a few consequences to have to be followed in the therapeutic approach : a regression from desire towards quest, and from quest towards need, a regression of the mental towards the behavioral, and from the behavioral towards the bodily, a drive regression from aggressiveness towards violence and from libido to selferoticism. Within such a conceptual context, the autor wishes to stress the functions at work within this kind of psychopatological posture (or vulnerability) : namely, mainly two, i. e. the addictive function and the function of ordeal which will be both defined, described, analyzed and, if possible, linked with the several kinds of structures. 


The authors address the issue of the attempted suicide of a teenager in connection with « mother » failing in its capacity as investment, resulting in the formation of a hole in the object relation. The tension of conflict between attraction and object-preserving narcissistic found to be expressed through the body and act at such great suffering in adolescent identity. In an attempt to plug the gaps caused by narcissistic failures of the early object, use an object of addiction (violin) – from tuning and hooking – has allowed this teenager to avoid confront loss, emptiness itself, and to distance any investment that could be threatening to her psychic integrity. The authors show how psychotherapy mediation will promote the involvement of this adolescent work in barter and mourning in support of sublimation.

Serge Tisseron : clinical work with the virtual : daydreaming, dreaming and imagining

The author goes back to the distinction D. W. Winnicott made between three forms of representational activity (daydreaming, dreaming and imagining) and shows that this distinction helps to establish a typology of ways of playing video games. These three ways of gaming differ both in the way objects shown on a screen are invested and in the way the gamer relates to his internal objects. This model breaks with that of addiction while laying the groundwork for a clinical and therapeutic approach to different categories of video game players.

Adolescence, 2012, 30, 1, 145-157.

François Marty: figures sonores de la violence à l’adolescence

Le sonore attaque et construit l’adolescent. I1 est une des figures de la violence a l’œuvre au moment de la puberté, destructrice, côté pubertaire, constructive, côté adolescens. Marquage de l’espace adolescent, lieu des identifications groupales, enveloppe contenante et protectrice face à la menace de la réalisation des fantasmes pubertaires, le sonore exprime la violence de l’adolescence tout en lui donnant forme.


Adolescence, 1997, T. 15 n°2, pp. 308-324.

Marc Valleur, Éric Jerôme: conduites ordaliques et addiction

La notion de conduites ordaliques, pont entre diverses disciplines en sciences humaines, s’inscrit à l’origine en continuité d’une approche descriptive, clinique, phénoménologique de la toxicomanie.

Non modèle explicatif, mais angle d’éclairage, elle peut s’appliquer à diverses formes de conduites de risque chez les adolescents. Un modèle des addictions (au sens large, actuel, et nord-américain), peut par contre être esquissé en tenant compte de l’opposition entre deux versants de ces conduites : d’une part, la dépendance, perte de sens, voire désubjectivation, de l’autre, la conduite ordalique, quête ultime de sens dans la proximité du risque de mort, comme la transgression peut être recherche de limite.

Adolescence, 1997, T. 15 n°2, pp. 307-323