Colette Chiland: transexuality transexualism and homosexuality at puberty

The author treats the question of the relation between homosexuality and the problems of sexual identity at the turning point which marks puberty. Homosexuality doesn’t entail a refusal of the designated sex in the majority of cases. The refusal of the designated sex is often accompanied by the attraction for individuals of the same biological sex but that the subject doesn’t consider as homosexual. This attraction is the consequence of his « true sex » as opposed to his biological sex. The sexual practices of female transsexuals towards males are different from those of female homosexuals ; those of male transsexuals towards females are different from those of passive male homosexuals.
At puberty, the refusal of the designated sex grows or is revealed ; it is also at puberty that homosexuality takes on a more concrete form or appears, although in both cases there are « later callings ».
The etiology of transsexualism as well as that of homosexuality is uncertain. One musn’t hasten to label homosexual an adolescent who has homosexual experiences or operate on an adolescent who expresses this desire.