Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky : « allah guides and misguides whomever he wishes ». religion at the center of the treatment of the isolated immigrant adolescent in transcultural psycho-traumatological consultation

Transcultural consultation with immigrant adolescents who have entered France alone and have experienced trauma express the mobilization of religious reference points that help us to reflect upon the conjuncture between adolescence, trauma and religion. The patient’s reference to religion is developed through three spaces: the symbolic space of the word of the father, the space of social discourse which historicizes the subject and affiliates him with a culture, and the space of myth and universal questions which bind the individual to the group. By looking clinically at the dynamic of consultation in the cases of two young Muslim patients from sub-Saharan Africa, we are able to see the mobilization of religious feeling as a therapeutic tool.

Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°4, pp. 853-871.